Kinetic Outsourcing Solutions Limited equips West Bengal with Smart Ration Card Facilities

A major section of the Indian population dreams for a better future, with respectable jobs and a decent level of living. To achieve these goals, the country requires broad-based economic growth as well as more efficient public services. Technology has the potential to help India achieve the growth it requires. The spread of digital technologies, as well as advances in energy and genomics, can boost business and agricultural productivity, reshape how services like healthcare and education are delivered, and help millions of Indians achieve higher living standards by improving education and healthcare outcomes. Keeping this concept in mind, Kinetic Outsourcing Solutions Limited has initiated the concept for  Smart Ration Card Facilities.


On the 24th of May, 2022, Kinetic held a seminar in Rabindra Bhawan, Purulia, West Bengal, to officially launch Smart Ration Card Facilities for all beneficiaries in the Purulia District. Kinetic has already announced Smart Ration Card (PVC) amenities for all West Bengal State beneficiaries at a press conference that was held on April 11th, 2022 at Moulali Yuba Kendra in Kolkata. The Smart Ration Card is a plastic card, like are all government-issued identification cards. Kinetic has taken the initiative to combine all of the recipients’ previous ration cards with the smart Ration Card of this sort. It is an attempt on the company’s end to provide a solution to the challenges citizens have with documents, notably identity documents.


The reason behind the inception of this idea was that the Kinetic Outsourcing Solutions Limited realized the government’s ongoing efforts to convert citizens’ manual documents to digital to ensure that citizen data is entirely safe and secure. The documents are simple to transport and can be used for any purpose. Citizen’s manual identity documents are prone to degradation as a result of their frequent use. The issues stem from the regular usage of these handwritten documents to get numerous services, including government, private, and identity verification. The majority of documents are of various sizes. Hence with these Smart Ration Cards, it is the company’s attempt to provide a solution to the challenges that citizens have with their documents, especially those that are used regularly. 


The solutions are designed to be long-lasting, with little chances of damage, water-resistant, scratch-resistant, and easy to transport in any tiny carrier. Statistically considering then, uptill now 68,000 people have been served with this intrinsic service on the company’s end and  Kinetic Outsourcing Solutions Limited has established 133 offices in West Bengal in which it has covered 18 out of 23 districts of the state.


Talking about their unique initiative the founder of the brand stated, “Technology policy making is a relatively new phenomenon in India. Over the last decade, the government has developed policy and vision to keep up with rapidly expanding technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), blockchain and cryptocurrency, and quantum technology. There isn’t a single quarry regarding the goals of these programmes. These are being conceived, developed, and framed in order to boost India’s technical position globally and to position India as a global leader in the next few years and our company is working tirelessly as a helping hand in it”.


Kinetic Outsourcing Solutions Limited is an e-Government firm that provides government-to-citizen services in India’s rural areas. Since a long time, they have been doing bulk operations and specialising in various e-Government projects and implementing the Government, Semi-Government e-Government projects across India. Kinetic has been creating a network across Pan India, registering and issuing smart cards for various states and national government initiatives, totaling about 20,000+ pin numbers, over the years.



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