Yoga Practitioner Manish creates a stir by making age-old practice of yoga accessible to all

The practice of ‘Yoga’ has countless benefits, it helps increase the body’s flexibility, build strength, improve posture, keeps joints healthy, reduces blood pressure & stress and much more. The mindful practice ultimately motivates people to make healthier life choices. The practice of yoga first began in India and later spread throughout the globe. In the late 1890s, when Indian monks first started sharing their knowledge with the West, yoga really took off as it enticed a lot of people. Those who travelled to India also grabbed the opportunity to interact with the yogis and see them in action. Now after all these years, yoga is still very famous and there are many professionals who are working toward keeping the knowledge alive. One such zealous person is Manish

Since his early years, Manish has always had a fondness for fitness and bodybuilding. Thus working towards the same he began making efforts to achieve his objective of having a body that is both healthy and spiritually enlightened. He did everything and also simplified his lifestyle a lot more by adhering to a healthy diet along with performing effective exercises. Manish pursued Masters in Yoga at Uttarakhand Sanskrit University after doing a bachelor’s degree in management from the prestigious Lovely Professional University (LPU). After a few years, he is now an accomplished yoga practitioner who is attempting to popularise the ancient Indian technique. Manish has also been studying physical well-being extensively on both a theoretical and practical level since he first entered the profession in 2017. This helped him gain a much deeper understanding.

Due to his unwavering effort and pure willpower, Manish was awarded the title of ‘Perfect Body’ for the 2020–2021 contest season at ‘Rubaru Mr India,’ which is one of the most prestigious Indian male pageants. The event happened on April 8, 2021, in Goa. Manish has never looked back since then; instead, he has only advanced professionally and developed his skills. He has made a name for himself in the field and is currently working both as a freelancer and a yoga instructor and has been successful in educating many fitness enthusiasts about the history of yoga.

While sharing his point of view about yoga, Manish says, “Yoga carries a lot of benefits with itself. With more individuals realising the impact it has on the mind and body, the number of people following the practice has significantly increased in the past ten years. Currently, out of  193 countries that are members of the UN 192 celebrate Yoga Day including forty-four Islamic countries. Even Saudi Arabia’s first yoga festival took place this year on January 29, 2020. The whole point of telling all these statistics is that there is a very big reason behind the widespread use of the art and I feel that everyone should try to incorporate it into their lives, be it for even a small amount of time.” 

Strengthening one’s daily routine will help them gain power and significantly raise their metabolism. Additionally, deep breathing that is done in yoga improves circulation, which helps keep the metabolism running smoothly. Being very well versed in all these Manish aims on spreading awareness about yoga to even more people. Therefore, to make this dream of his into reality he has aspirations to launch a multifaceted yoga and fitness company. In addition to India, he wants to expand it all over the world. He also wants to establish a stronger reputation for himself in the field. 


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