Shubham Gupta

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What is a Comfort Zone and how to break it?

In the process of developing oneself, the idea of the "comfort zone" frequently shows up as a significant roadblock. However, what is the comfort zone, and why does it prevent us from realising our most...

Start your extravagant shopping spree: Top 5 places to buy stylish outfits  for this winter season 

"Winter is a feeling, not a season!" Putting everything else aside, there is something that makes our hearts and souls joyful about Dilli ki Sardi! There's nothing quite like the crisp air, chilly evenings, and...

Top 7 places for a long Weekend Gateway near Delhi 

The commotion and noise of city life can be extremely draining. Long and heavy traffic jams can be a deal breaker when travelling from Delhi to Gurugram or Noida. You can take a trip to...

E-Invoicing & E-waybill made easy through Instabill

GST mechanism or Goods Service Tax in India aims to streamline & simplify the taxation system of India. Therefore, GST authority using various kinds of online or digital mechanisms. Almost everything that a business needs...

Upgrade Your Winter Makeup Routine: Embrace the Glow

Winter's harsh touch can have a devastating effect on our complexions. The cold, dry air and harsh winds sap the skin of its natural moisture, leaving it dull, flaky, and irritated. But don't despair! With...

Top 10 Recommendations on Netflix 

Netflix has an enormous library of content that is always being added to, so it can be difficult to decide what to watch. Here's a selection of 10 interesting movies that are available for streaming...

Captivating Dramas: Top 7 Indian Daily Soaps to Binge-Watch

With their rich storylines, vibrant characters, and endless twists, Indian daily soaps have become a global phenomenon. Choosing the "top 7" from this vast and ever-evolving landscape is no easy feat, but here are five...

Winter’s Bite: Beat Dry Skin with Hydration Heroes

Winter is a time for cosy nights by the fire, festive cheer, and, unfortunately, dry, flaky skin. The cold temperatures, low humidity, and harsh winds can all take a toll on your skin's moisture levels,...

Unleashing Synergy: 2023’s Joint Venture That Will Reverberate Across the Ages

In India, brand partnerships flourished in 2023, with some incredibly creative and significant alliances forming in various industries. Unexpected unions blossomed across industries, sparking creativity and leaving their mark. These collaborations weren't just catchy headlines....



Transformational journey of Kirti Jaiswal from Fitness Trainer to Entrepreneur

All our lives, we have heard the phrase- “Health is Wealth” and the outbreak of the novel Coronavirus truly made us realize that the...

Paragti Seth’s affection for yoga, help her transform modern lifestyle

People with modern-day lifestyles have faced many challenges in terms of balancing personal and professional life. The unbalanced lifestyle created hurdles in the smooth...

Rajesh Babu Kodali – Indian Healthcare Entrepreneur Rising Through The COVID-19 Crisis

Businesses across the globe have been collecting immense amounts of data, but how do they convert that data into insights that help them improve...

Romeo Yanger: Acting is like the Roller Coaster ride of emotions

I ran into a fabulous actor from Los Angeles recently who has been born and raised in India. He is currently attending an acting...

Makeup Masterclass conducted by Nehazz Bridal Academy on 14th March 2022 in Mumbai

The Beauty Industry icons Akashdeep Dang and Divya Sharma visited Mumbai for their first-ever Makeup Masterclass in the city of Dreams. The team is...