A captivating short film titled "Jaan-eJahaan" was released in October. 27. It was directed by Hitesh Rajpurohit and written by Vivek Bhadra Blackeye Entertainment LLP. The cast includes Raghav Diwan Dhwani Pawar Veebha Anand, and...
"Rishton ke bhi badalte hain roop badalte hain." There is no denying that Ekta Kapoor is a household name. You can instantly remember the entire video if you hear the first song, no matter where...
In our modern lives, where we live busy lives, everyone needs some kind of entertainment to keep a balance. Although every individual has a different aspect of enjoying life, growing up in the age of...
In today's fast-paced world, maintaining a sense of equilibrium often involves seeking entertainment. While preferences for enjoyment differ among individuals, growing up in the era of Netflix and other streaming services has led many of...
One of the most quickly expanding and successful educational businesses, Elance Learning, has achieved success once more. Following in the footsteps of past pupils who achieved a combined total of 24 World and 40 National...
Mental health is a global crisis that affects millions of people, especially in India. Many people struggle with stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues that impair their well-being and happiness. However, most of...
Brand transformation is a significant undertaking. What were the key challenges and successes you experienced during this process at NH?
Brand Transformation has been a journey that has tested our mettle, as a team. It was...
The world is experiencing technological advances at a rapid rate. In the modern world, the technology that hypnotizes us is turning virtual experiences into actual Reality. The name Virtual Reality refers to this immersive technology....
His wherein male land form. Own whose they're gathered is let male kind from. A you'll life waters evening fly female won't all move was over appear meat it fruit doesn't, won't wherein above...
The famous Indian summer is here. In the following months, the sweltering summer heat will descend on Indian coasts. With temperatures reaching 50 degrees...
Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) stand as beacons of hope in the vast landscape of humanitarian efforts. Their unwavering commitment to serving the underprivileged and marginalised...
Work-life balance is something that everyone should follow. After weeks of long working hours, our body, our mind surely require a break. How amazing...