Indian Spectrum – SDPI: Raising a Paradigm of Solid Urge for Socio Cultural Transformation of India

MK Faizy

Post-independence, India is slowly falling short of its goals. The country is now going through a period of forgetting the common people who, dreaming the liberation and prosperity of the country, had surrendered their everything.

Now, the characteristics of our country for which we were proud of are being alienated from us, one by one. Secularism, democracy, equality, and social justice are weakened. Instead, corruption, communalism, and imperialism are getting place among the politicians and bureaucrats.

The serious situation is that all the basic features of democracy are shattered.  And only the interests of upper classes and castes are protected. Political organisations are meant to be corrective forces in a democratic setup, but they have become a purchasable stuff now.

In such an unfortunate situation, likeminded people from different organisations sat together.  And as a result of their thoughts and discussions, Social Democratic Party of India was formed.  The party was constituted aiming the political empowerment of all the marginalised and backward communities of the country including Muslims.

The party was formed after studying well the situation in Independent India, aiming to construct a new Indian narrative where all sections of people will be empowered and have equal rights. The event of its formation was declared at the ‘Press Club of India’, in New Delhi, on 21st June 2009. The organisation has completed 12 years in the field of its activities.

In the year 2010 the Central Election Commission granted registration to the party. At present, the party is functioning in 22 States. In almost all states the party has its cadres and setups. State committees of the party are functioning in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Bihar, Delhi and Rajasthan. 

New Paradigm

The party puts forward a new political outlook before the people of India.  SDPI demands that enough representation should be guaranteed for all sections of the country in legislation, executive, judiciary, etc. 

Party’s basic and fundamental slogan is ‘Freedom from Fear, Freedom from Hunger.’ SDPI understands that two kinds of liberation are to be pursued for the comprehensive development of the people.  Now, the people of India are facing different kinds of fear and hunger. 

The agendas of dominant parties don’t include the serious issues like poverty, price-hikes, downfall of industry and economy, unemployment, homelessness of the people, scarcity of drinking water and so on. They are making unnecessary issues and opposing each other to create a space in the society.   Most of the parties are led by procedures based on the interest of either a top leader or a traditional ruling family. Dominant parties are not working for the common people. Instead, they are serving the corporates, eying heavy funds from them. 

Mission and Vision  

It is the vision of SDPI that development is achieved when every citizen of the country can avail the primary requirements of housing, water, food, health, education, security, employment, etc. The Party puts forward constructive political efforts to empower Muslims, Dalits and other oppressed communities and religious minorities. SDPI stands as a political platform for the empowerment of all sections of the society, vulnerable and marginalised.

SDPI offers an idea of eco-friendly development. People should never be victims of development. The benefits of development should be equally available to all human beings without discrimination. SDPI   believes that ensuring balanced distribution of national wealth is the fundamental responsibility of the government.  Therefore, SDPI proposes short-term and long-term plans to protect rights, equality and justice.


  • Stand up for equal justice, equal freedom and opportunity enshrined in the Constitution
  • Ensure civil rights and mobilise people in the struggle for democracy 
  • Provide security and dignity to the marginalised classes 
  • Strengthen national unity and communal harmony 
  • Ensure human rights, rule of law and democratic rights of the citizens
  • Empowerment of Adivasis, Dalits and religious minorities, backward classes 
  • Foster unity among the oppressed

These are some of the objectives of the party.

Democratic Participation 

During a short span of time, the party could win the elections in the Grama Panchayats, Block Panchayats, District Panchayats, Municipalities and Corporations in the States of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala.

Protests for Rights 

SDPI gives top priority to protests for the rights of the people. Authoritarianism, fascist tendencies and totalitarianism are the biggest threats of Indian Union and the people of India. They are driven by racism and religious bigotry. The mission of SDPI is to provide the most effective prevention and treatment for this epidemic which is destroying all the features of India one by one. All Indians should stand up for Rights of everyone, harmony, inclusion and progress of our nation. 


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